
The 5 Hottest Colour Trends We'll Be Wearing All Year Round

Iman Zia

It might be cosy-up-layer-to-the-point-of-no-return season, but remember, getting lazy and opting for the usual winter black is a NO GO! So before you click 'checkout' on your next black winter haul, have a look at all the trending colours you need to invest in for your next social gathering, and MAKE BUDGET SPACE darlings! The...
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Sassy Sequins and the Return Of the Disco Diva

Goddiva Fasion

Bring out your inner disco diva and get your sequins on! Luanne McLean checks out the latest sequin creations to be added to the stunning Goddiva collection Are sequin dresses in style? The 1970's was when the sequinned bandeau top roller skated into ladies hearts. Now almost fifty years later the sequin is still...
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Once Upon a Prom Queen

Goddiva Fasion

Prom It’s that time parents dread and teenagers love, when the school sends home ticket details for the Prom. But fear not until the end of March the lovely people here at Goddiva have got 20% off Prom Dresses using the code 'PROMQUEEN' . So you can get that gorgeous dress they want after...
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