Early 2010 Trends with gorgeous polka dot dresses
Hi lovely readers
I hope you are all well - I know plenty of us have been struck down with that awful lurgy going round... keep warm and get better!
Honestly, I am done with Winter... No more snow please (unless it's a bucket load and we all get snowed in!!) and no more rain... I would be happy with a freezing cold day, but I need the sun to shine! Am sooo looking forward to my holiday to South Africa in March... it's 29 degress there today!?*&%
Hout Bay, Cape Town
Anyway, on with the show!
So my little bird tells me that there are quite a few lovely looking trends doing the rounds this month... Polka dots seem to be making a slow but certain comeback Love polka dots! With the right style or item of clothing, you just can't go wrong. Sexy pencil skirts or mini dresses seem to have had the polka dot makeover and they look great!! Sexy style and cute polka dots are a match made in heaven Take a look at our gorgeous Polka Dot Pencil Dress which is now on sale for only £12! It's available in great retro colours pink, white and turquoise

And believe it or not, Maxi dresses are really, really big at the moment... They are so timeless aren't they? Get your hands on some bold prints, empire lines, halternecks, and boobtubes.... they all look amazing and are set to be big in the Spring time too! You can never go wrong with a maxi ;D Obviously we have a great range of Maxi's, and our best selling is the Oscar Dress in the Style of Vanessa Williams at only £19! Sweet.

Kris Smith & Dannii Minogue, parents in 2010
Katy Perry and Russel Brand are engaged... don't they make such a cute couple?? Loving all the pics of them in India! I follow Katy Perry on Twitter and let me tell you she is really really funny and sometimes a bit too honest! But always a good read, check her Twitter account out! Thanks for sharing
Pic posted by Katy Perry on Twitter
Ah yes I went to see The Road last night at the cinema... and there is a huuuge hype about it. I think the whole movie was a little dissapointing because of the hype, but it really was quite good, depressing but really well done in a way that makes you want to keep watching. The post-apocolyptic subject matter is always so interesting and frightening to watch or even think about. I enjoyed it but perhaps I could have waited for it on DVD... See the trailer here: Official The Road Trailer
Anywho, thats me for the week! Wrap up warm and get out and do stuff! There are tones of exhibitions on and all the lovely museums are FREE! Do iiit!