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Bridesmaid Shopping: The Dos and Don'ts

Bridesmaid Shopping: The Dos and Don'ts

Bridesmaid shopping is a fun, yet sometimes stressful and difficult, part of wedding planning. Don’t become a bridezilla, or bridesmaidzilla, with our quick guide to choosing the best dresses for your wedding that...
Five Bridesmaid Dresses You Won’t Resist

Five Bridesmaid Dresses You Won’t Resist

Being asked to be a bridesmaid is an honour and proof of love and friendship. The only downside is that is not up to you to choose the colour of your dress. Worry not...
Top Wedding Shoes and Accessories

Top Wedding Shoes and Accessories

After saying yes and picking a date, the next step for the bride-to-be is to choose a wedding dress. However, not all women shop their shoes as early as the dress and, least...
Five Unforgettable Wedding Dresses Under £100

Five Unforgettable Wedding Dresses Under £100

He popped the question. Your answer was ‘yes’. But you never dreamt of walking down the aisle or you don’t see yourself as a lace and veil bride. Does that mean that the...
How to Choose your Dream Wedding Dress

How to Choose your Dream Wedding Dress

Choosing a wedding dress can be an overwhelming experience. It’s the day when you want everything to be perfect, when each detail was carefully planned. There are many elements to consider and small...

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